Distribute your Rails App with a One-Click .exe
Ever wondered how to distribute you rails application to a window instance. This is how:
Distribute your Rails app with a one-click .exe
There is a great tool for making a ruby application run smoothly on Microsoft platforms. It's called RubyScript2Exe and Tar2RubyScript. The author of both of these has made a great job explaining how to distribute a Rails app as a one-click .exe with the above tools. However, the example is about three years old by now, so a small update is posted here.
The part I have changed since Erik posted the tutorial (which is using Ruby on Rails version 0.14.3) is the following. Instead of:
module Rails
class Configuration
def database_configuration
conf = YAML::load(ERB.new(IO.read(database_configuration_file)).result)
if defined?(TAR2RUBYSCRIPT)
conf.each do |k, v|
if v["adapter"] =~ /^sqlite/
v["database"] = oldlocation(v["database"]) if v.include?("database")
v["dbfile"] = oldlocation(v["dbfile"]) if v.include?("dbfile")